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At Glenfield Primary School, we believe that positive behaviour is an essential condition for effective learning and well-being. There is a strong ethos that everyone deserves kindness and respect at all times. All members of the school community work to promote our 'Safe, Ready and Respectful' guidelines and the Route To Resilience characteristics (e.g. tolerance, self-control, enthusiasm, perseverance, kindness, resilience and integrity) are embedded through all aspects of school life. 

The school has a clear behaviour policy in place which is followed by all staff to ensure consistency. This can be found in the Policies section of the website.

Here are the star treats that the children are working towards this summer term:




Beyond Bullying Award

The school has achieved the Beyond Bullying award. 

The 'Beyond Bullying Award' is a way for schools to gain accreditation and recognition for its achievements in embedding effective anti-bullying practice. It is valid for 3 years after which it must be renewed. 

To achieve the award, all members of the school community worked together to send a clear message about bullying. 

The School Council were heavily involved in this and one of the things they did was create a child-friendly anti-bullying policy to ensure all children were clear on the steps to take if they encountered bullying (see below). I'm sure you'll agree that the children did such a fantastic job with this. Our anti-bullying lead governor was very impressed and said it was clear, informative and engaging. 


Please refer to the Policies section of the website to view the school's Anti-Bullying Policy.


The Leicestershire County Council's anti-bullying website can be viewed at

Here, the Leicestershire Anti-Bullying Team provide a range of information and guidance for young people, parents/carers and professionals.